Best Green Hosting – Top Hosting – 2011 Picks
Green hosting has come about as a response of the hosting industry’s desire to help reduce the impact that their data centers carbon emissions will have on the environment. These carbon emissions are given off as a result of the daily operations of our vehicles, our factories and the modern equipment we use today.
Because of these emissions the toxic levels in the foods we eat and our drinking water has increased, and drastic climate changes are being observed also.
The green movement has come into being to try to stem these adverse changes from happening — and in the world of web hosting, some companies are greener than others.
A hosting company’s use of computers and the operations of its servers, consumes a considerable amount of non–renewable energy. As these activities are accelerated, and these companies grow, even more energy will be utilized.
This is constantly draining the earth’s energy resources, and one of the outcomes of this awareness is green hosting or eco-friendly hosting, which has made a big impact on the hosting industry and is encouraging hosting companies to economize on their use of energy.
Since many individuals in their personal daily lives have embraced the going green movement, they will also tend to look for other green opportunities outside of their own lives for them to patronage.
Green hosting is one such opportunity, and the hosting companies know this and they are using it to appeal to new clients in their marketing efforts. Consumers who patronize eco-friendly hosts will, by that action, further increase the effectiveness of the hosting companies green initiatives.
For a hosting company to be completely eco-friendly, it would need to use renewable energy to the exclusion of any other kind of energy. The different forms of these energy sources will include solar energy, wind, water energy, geo-thermal, and biogas.
These are the fuels that can safely be used by a completely eco-friendly host so as not to contribute to environmental hazards. Fuels derived from fossils will be totally ruled out in this case.
The benefit to be gained from using renewable energy is that it will help reduce the carbon footprint, and if the practice is adopted by many hosting companies, it will have a significant impact on the environment.
Some eco-friendly hosting companies offer discounts, and free software as an incentive to non-profit businesses who sign up for their green hosting.
The Best Green Hosting Picks For 2011 (GreenGeeks #1)
GreenGeeks hosting was recognized by the US Environment Protection Agency (EPA), in 2009, for its work in going green, and the company was made a partner of the Green Power Partner program.
The company is aware of the tremendous impact the hosting industry has on the consumption of non-renewable energy, and is striving to make its own eco-friendly contribution felt.
Green Geeks has underscored the importance of green consciousness by pointing out that the hosting industry’s utilization of energy exactly competes with the amount used by 14 large power plants.
Also, it was stated that the hosting industry will rival the pollution that is created by the airline industry by the year 2020. The company firmly believes in its commitment to eco-friendly business practices and is spreading the word for all to follow their example.
How GreenGeeks is Going Green
- Buying Wind Energy Credits – The reason data centers need to be very concerned about going green, is because their operations involve the use of large amounts of power in the cooling systems and for their computers.
- This will certainly reduce the environment’s usage of resources. By utilizing energy conservation measures, they will also be maintaining the storage space and the performance of their servers on much less power.
- Some hosting companies are fortunate to own the resources, such as solar panels, and wind turbines, to generate their own renewable energy.
- However, that is not the case of most hosting companies, and they will be left with the option of purchasing renewable energy certificates. These certificates provide the hosting companies with electrical energy that was created through geothermal, biogas, solar and wind origins.
- Although GreenGeeks uses energy from the grid to ensure that its servers receive a constant power flow, it also purchases wind energy credits in amounts that are 3 times the quantity of energy it pulls from the grid.
- Optimize use of Energy – GreenGeeks works to optimize its servers to run cooler and to use less energy, during its business operations.
- Use as Needed – In their offices, GreenGeeks have drastically reduced paper printing to only necessary and legal documents. The office lighting is controlled to turn off when the office is empty, and office equipment is powered down when not being used.
- Telecommuting – GreenGeeks uses a work force that telecommutes from their homes. In fact, they recruit its employees from locations distant from the office – this saves money, reduces gas consumption for cars and reduces carbon emissions.
- Encourage Employees Cooked Meals – To reduce the amount of paper, Styrofoam and plastic being brought into the office with takeout foods, employees are encouraged to rotate the bringing of cooked foods to the office.
What GreenGeeks Hosting Offers (Best Green Hosting)
- Unlimited MySQL Databases
- Unlimited email accounts
- Hosting of unlimited domains on 1 hosting account
- Unlimited bandwidth
- Unlimited web space
- Free domain name
- Free assistance with site migration – quickly done once the necessary forms are completed
- Free website builder and templates – RV Site Builder is used, and a WYSIWTG website editor, Over 600 web site are available for users, and even a novice will have no difficulty building a site.
- Free marketing credits
- 24/7/365 Customer support provided by telephone and by chat sessions
- 99.9% uptime guarantee on its servers
- Servers are backup up nightly for protection of data
- 30 day money back satisfaction guarantee on hosting
- Web hosting, VPS hosting and reseller hosting with fast reliable service guaranteed
- Popular scripts such Drupal, Joomla and WordPress
- CGI, Ruby, Perl, and PHP
GreenGeeks prides itself on being the world’s #1 green web hosting company, and offers hosting at fees starting at just $4.95 per month which includes a free domain and setup of account.
When people choose an eco-friendly type of hosting, they will also be making a difference but it is a service that is more expensive that non eco-friendly ways of hosting.
Unfortunately, you will only have the word of the eco-friendly hosting company that they are practicing green hosting, and you will have to trust their estimate of the extent to which they say they are practicing green hosting.
Should you decide to support the efforts of a certified green hosting company, like GreenGeeks, then you may want to research the company a little to determine if the host is truly practicing green concepts, and not just trying to boost they bottom line by riding a popular trend in the marketplace.
Hosing companies utilize a large quantity of energy to run their servers and to provide cooling for their cooling systems. If more hosts should embrace the green movement, their contribution to saving the environment would be tremendous.
GreenGeek has taken on the challenge and has incorporated an eco-friendly environment into its organization, and in addition, they are working to spread the word. These are some of the reasons we have named them the best green hosting company.