Archive for the ‘Types’ Category

The Top 5 Benefits of Cloud Hosting

Thursday, November 3rd, 2011

Why You May Need the Benefits of Cloud Hosting?
Many businesses are taking advantage of the benefits of cloud hosting. This is a fast evolving technology that gives companies an alternative for storage. It is predicted by 2012 nearly 80% of the top companies will be using some type of cloud hosting. Apple has already talked… Read more

5 Tips to Help you Get Commercial Web Site Hosting

Tuesday, September 6th, 2011

What is Commercial Web Site Hosting and How is it Different?
When you are looking for hosting and you have a large enough business to be considered commercial you will be looking for commercial web site hosting. This is different than if you are just looking to host a blog or website because you may have… Read more

3 Things to Decide Before you Purchase Web Hosting

Wednesday, August 24th, 2011

The First Thing to do Before you Purchase Web Hosting
Before you purchase web hosting you will have to figure out how much you can afford to spend. Your budget is very important and many people make their hosting decision completely based on price. This is not the best way to make your decision, but you… Read more

Choosing Between the Most Popular Types of Hosting

Sunday, August 21st, 2011

The Basic Three Types of Hosting
There are three basic types of hosting that you can choose from when you are looking for hosting. These are shared hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated hosting. Within each of these types of hosting you can find many other choices that are more advanced or more specific for your project.… Read more

5 Things you Should Know About Canadian Web Hosting

Saturday, August 20th, 2011

Just like any other type of hosting Canadian web hosting allows the user, whether it be an individual or a business, to store data for many different purposes. This data can be used in the design of a website or it can be used as a backup of the information you need for your business.… Read more

The Top Apollo Hosting Review for Beginners and More

Thursday, August 18th, 2011

The Basics of the Apollo Hosting Review
The Apollo hosting review must start off by talking about the reputation of the hosting company. This is very important because you have to choose the right type of hosting, but you also have to get one of the top web hosting companies for your project. You have to… Read more

Virtual Web Hosting for the Beginner

Thursday, August 18th, 2011

The First Thing You Must Know About Virtual Web Hosting
Even though you may be thinking that virtual web hosting sounds like it is a hard thing to understand it is actually very simple to get the gist of what you are dealing with here. It is basically a type of hosting that is running on… Read more

Finding Offshore Hosting that is Trustworthy

Sunday, August 14th, 2011

Why Would you Want Offshore Hosting?
Most of the people that are looking for offshore hosting don’t really understand what it is completely. Many people think this is the same as getting an offshore bank account or trying to find anonymous hosting. This means that they think it is a negative thing and it is either… Read more

What is Unlimited Domain Web Hosting?

Saturday, August 13th, 2011

Why do you Need Unlimited Domain Web Hosting?
There are many reasons that somebody would want to get unlimited domain web hosting. The most basic reason is that you want to host more than one domain name and this means that you need the option to do so. With some hosting packages you will only be… Read more

5 Things you Get With Microsoft Hosting

Saturday, August 13th, 2011

The Basics of What Microsoft Hosting is
Microsoft hosting may also be known as windows hosting and you get some things with this type of hosting that you just do not get with all hosting types. Microsoft is a well-known company that is able to provide you with many things for your business. They… Read more

Choosing the Right Mac Web Hosting

Saturday, August 13th, 2011

what is Different About Mac Web Hosting?
Finding good Mac web hosting is not all that easy because of many things. The first being that many of the web hosting companies require ActiveX controllers and Internet Explorer version 6. This makes it hard to find Mac web hosting because MAC does not support these programs. Plus… Read more

How to Find the Top Approved Web Hosting Companies

Friday, August 12th, 2011

What is the Definition of an Approved Web Hosting Company?
There are many approved web hosting companies out there and the biggest difference between one that is approved and one that is not is the reliability of the company. Many hosting companies come along and they get many members before they shut down and cause… Read more