3 of the Top Online Viral Marketing Ideas


Using the Online Viral Marketing Ideas to your Advantage

One of the best things you can do to build up traffic is use the online viral marketing ideas to benefit your website and your income online. Viral marketing is basically when you get others to do your marketing for you without even realizing that they are doing this for you. It is a bit like a chain letter used to be before the internet came around.

In fact, the first one of the online viral marketing ideas that came about was to get a clever message in front of people through email and have them forward it all over the internet. If you did this properly and you had a link to your website in it, then you could get a ton of traffic from this method.

The online viral marketing ideas that are out there today are much more evolved and have many more benefits than you would get from a forwarded email. The concept is still the same, but the way that it happens is much different. You are missing out on quite a bit if you are not using viral marketing at all.

The Top 3 Online Viral Marketing Ideas

1. Social Media

Social media websites have made using the online viral marketing ideas much easier. They give you the option to have others share your blog posts, webpages, and anything else with all their friends. Then, when they do this all their friends have the chance to share it with their friends. This trend just continues until your message has made it in front of a large amount of people.

You can simply add a button to your website that will allow others to share your blog post on Facebook, Twitter, Friendfeed, MySpace, and many other social media sites. This gives you the chance to use viral marketing without having to do much work at all. It can snowball into a ton of traffic for you very quickly.

2. Creating a free eBook

An eBook is a report that you deliver to someone electronically through either an email or a download link. These are very popular and if you create a short report that gives the user a bit of value, then you can promote your website in it or your product. Then, you just let them give it away for free as their own.

You can give this report out to anybody that subscribes to your newsletter emailing list and give them permission to give it away as well. This will help you to get a ton of traffic to a product, website, or anything you want to promote through this type of a report. It may take a little while for it to work, but it can work very well for you.

3. Online Videos

Another great way to use the online viral marketing ideas is to create a video. If you have a video on YouTube you can share it with all your friends and this video could literally end up anywhere on the internet. It can be shared on Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and more along with being emailed back and forth and shared across YouTube.

If you create a good video you will even have the chance of being picked up by websites and blogs that can use your video on their site or blog. Plus there are now automated tools that allow people to search for videos on YouTube and have them automatically posted to their website or blog. This could happen with your video if you have one.

The Benefits of Using the Online Viral Marketing Ideas

Of course the major benefit of using online viral marketing ideas is the traffic you can get because it can literally be huge. Another great benefit is the name recognition you can get from people seeing you all over the place. Even though these are two great benefits of using online viral marketing ideas they are not the major one.

When you use viral marketing correctly it can create a ton of backlinks for you and this can literally skyrocket your ranking on the search engines. This can give you everything you need to go from the lower rankings to the higher rankings for your keywords in a hurry. You can get a ton more traffic from these backlinks because of your ranking.

The major things that you need to remember is that there are many avenues to get traffic online and if you choose a couple of ways to use viral types of marketing, then you will be able to get exactly what you want from the results. These are just a few of the online viral marketing ideas and you can start with them right away.

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