How to Make a Fan Page on Facebook


How to Make a Fan Page on Facebook in a Few Simple Steps

The social networking site, FaceBook, allows anyone, even businesses, to interact with people and customers and to connect with old acquaintances and share information and photographs.  This is done through a fan page, and what follows show you how to make a fan page on FaceBook.

The importance of having an online presence on the social media platforms is becoming well known to many businesses. In fact, if a business does not create a presence in the social media for its target market, it will be left behind by its competitors who take the effort to do so. Many large corporations are daily joining the social media since they realize the important roles these platforms play in generating additional revenues for their businesses.

Facebook is a premier example of a social media platform for businesses to join. With over 500 million active members daily accessing their accounts, it is a powerful platform to reckon with. Facebook fan pages are designed for members to connect with others on the site and for them to become ‘fans’ of the page.

Once they become fans, they will be made aware of updates to the fan pages by the owner of the page. These special pages can be used by businesses to communicate with their targeted customers and also to promote their products again and again after their customers have developed trust and confidence in the useful and valuable information and advice the business communicates through its fan pages.

Steps to Creating a Fanpage on FaceBook

  • In Google, perform the search for “create a FaceBook page”. Look at the results and select the first organic result to be returned – it should be page on FaceBook.
  • A list of the following 6 categories will appear:
  1. Local business or place
  2. Company, organization or institution
  3. Brand or product
  4. Artist, band or public figure
  5. Entertainment
  6. Cause or topic
  • ‘Local business or place’ and ‘Cause or topic’ categories are the most frequently selected choices. If you choose ‘Local business or place’, then you will have an option of deciding on a ‘Default Landing Tab’ for your visitors to the Fanpage.

Initially the default landing page is set to Wall but depending on your need for your visitors to perform a specific action or to be presented with specific content, you will be able to change the Wall to whatever landing page you prefer.

  • Complete the information requested for your given category, read and agree to the FaceBook pages terms, and then click on ‘Get Started’ button. Complete the security check image that appears and then submit.
  • The Fanpage will now appear. You may check the box ‘Do not make page visible at this time’ while you are editing so that no one will be able to view the page until you have completely edited the page. When you are ready you will be able to publish it later.
  • The following 6 options will be presented to you:
  1. Add image
  2. Invite your friend
  3. Tell your fans
  4. Post status updates
  5. Promote this page on your website
  6. Set up your mobile phone
  • Select the image carefully and be certain that it properly represents the subject matter of the Fanpage. If it is a personal page, then add a picture of yourself, but if it is about bass fishing, add a picture of a bass fishing image.
  • Be certain not to invite friends, tell your fans or to promote the page before you have completely loaded your content to the page, otherwise your visitors to the page will not see it completed and their traffic will not be useful to you.
  • Click on the ‘Info’ tab and complete the required fields – this step will allow you to be found and the sites that you promote also.
  • Locate ‘Edit Page’ button in the left column and click on it to view features of the page that can be edited. From the applications section, select those applications that make your page more appealing to your visitors.
  • Add articles and other content such as a discussion and photos. Invite friends and fans to your Fanpage.
  • Click ‘Publish this page’ to make your page available for viewing.

These steps just outlined how to make a fan page on FaceBook.

The Facebook fan page provides the opportunity for a business to utilize its features for marketing, also advertising, conducting surveys and for order taking.

It should be noted that information contained in the Facebook fan page will be accessible by all the search engines, and therefore keywords, including geographic locations, will be ideal to be used here.

After the Fanpage is complete, keeping it updated is done through a user-friendly process. When a business creates a FaceBook fan page it is poised to gain even greater exposure for its services and products and will attract even more targeted customers to its websites.




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