Should You Venture into YouTube Marketing


The use of YouTube marketing to generate sales is quite powerful, so if you have not started using it, you will be left behind by your competition.

Marketing on YouTube for individuals and also for businesses, has become a very successful tactic within recent years. YouTube is presently the largest video sharing site online, and the one most used to drive massive traffic to websites with the use of targeted marketing campaigns.

The success of using the YouTube platform for marketing has largely to do with many of the benefits to be gained by using this platform. One of the biggest benefits of using the YouTube platform is the fact that its audience is truly global. People from around the world are familiar with the site and daily access it to watch and upload videos for themselves.

The use of YouTube is totally free so planning a campaign can be done with no advertising costs set aside for uploading and showing the videos on YouTube. Advertising effectively on YouTube with videos will pique the interest of viewers who will click your website link in the description of the video to land on your website.

This is the way traffic is driven to your site and how the site will rise in the search engine results pages (SERPS), and how a business’ products and services’ sales will increase.

Marketing videos on YouTube could also result in a viral effect as people share the videos they view and like with their friends, who in turn will pass them along to others.  In this way, the videos’ popularity grows and soon, provided the quality of the videos remains high, simply uploading them to YouTube, could almost guarantee massive traffic and a boost in the business’ bottom line.

The YouTube video promotion can also be further enhanced by encouraging viewers to sign up for the business’ newsletters and in that way building the all-important customers’ email list. This can be used to alert customers of new videos that are loaded as well as other promotional events of the business.

What follows describes the steps to be followed in the creation of your video to make the most of this marketing tool.

1. Create the Hook

This is intended to catch the attention of viewers with the use of a thumbnail and heading that piques the interest and also pinpoints the prospects frustrations and pain.

2. Make a Connection with Viewers

Attempt to make a connection with your viewers by letting them know why they must listen to you. If you have had the same issues or shared the same problem in the past, let them know that and tell them how it affected you.

3. Answer the Benefit Question

Viewers will need to know, and quickly, how they could benefit from the video’s message so that has to be clearly and promptly evident in the video. It is the prime concern a prospect will have while watching the video.

4. Explain the Features and Benefits

While you will explain both the features and benefits of your solution, realize that the benefits is by far the most interesting aspect of your video in the mind of your prospects. Your campaign’s merits will rest on your explanation of the benefits to your prospects.

5. Managing Objections

Deal with any skepticism or rejection by handling it directly. Having heard the same questions repeatedly, you should be able to address any concerns competently and gain the credibility with your prospects.

6. Provide Social Proof

Prospects will expect to get proof, or case studies or accounts of success stories before they have complete buy into the product or service. If you have not yet acquired such proof, you will need to borrow those of another in the meantime.  Proof will sway the prospect.

7. Believe The Sale Will Go Through

Assuming that the sale will occur, load your video with such confidence – specifically tell your prospective buyers what they will receive with their purchase, as opposed to what they may receive.

8. Show Professionalism

Offering a money back guarantee with your products and services is a great way to gain credibility in your marketing and it also provides the last push a prospect will need to make him a buyer, since the risk of the purchase is removed by the guarantee.

9. Make a Call to Action

As obvious as it may seem, be certain to provide a clear call to action stating what the prospect should do next. Regardless of how successfully the video may have been designed or executed, not telling the prospect what he should do next will leave him confused.


These are the 9 steps to explode sales with YouTube Marketing – paying close attention to the details of the process will ensure that you create a quality video that guarantees you massive traffic to your site and sales of your product or services.

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