![]() I have many years of experience in constructing web sites. During that time, I’ve both built, conceived, and consulted on numerous web pages for churches. Like most businesses, churches want to save money. I agree that inexpensive web hosting is of prime importance. However, what good is cheap if you can’t rely on it? Keep that point in mind as I discuss the top three church sites for web hosting. Three top church web hostingWeb hosting is web hosting. However, when you bring church into the mix, there are some things to consider. The chief difference that sets church web hosting apart is the ban on profanity. You must have a filter or block for the site. A lot of churches want their members or visitors to be allowed post. They may want to make prayer requests or post celebrations. This sounds good in theory, but here’s what will happen. A hacker will fight their way into the site’s backdoor and before you know it, you will have profanity and cussing all over the church’s web site. You can see that you want hosting from a web provider with a built-in spam filter and profanity filter. One of the largest Christian web hosting providers is ITX Design. They should definitely be considered when seeking a provider. The cool thing about ITX Design is that they have very high standards when it comes to language and pornographic materials on websites. ITX Design’s web hosting plans will definitely assist your church with creating and maintaining a clean site. They will help you keep your website as a positive reflection of your church community. Web hosting for ChristiansA lot of web hosting providers drive up their prices. Many companies that provide for a Christian audience really gouge churches for web hosting. It’s so prevalent that many congregations have been fooled into thinking high cost equals high quality. So they have shelled out enormous sums of money for poor service. The facts are this: your congregation can procure terrific service and tech support, with increased bandwith, and more hosting space with a very inexpensive provider. Just because a web hosting provider claims to cater to Christian groups doesn’t mean they won’t take you for a ride. How can this be the case? When a web hosting provider does a lot of volume, they can ultimately extend service to you at a reduced rate. It’s like the Wal-mart principle online. It is simpler than you think it is to get your church website up and running. There is even a program referred to as SIMPLE scripts. You can get your whole site set up with a few clicks of your mouse. Both ITX Design and HostMonster offer this program. Top Quality Church Web Hosting I’ve told you that ITX Design and HostMonsterare the way to go if you want your church to get a web site. But have I really explained why? The bandwith size, amount of disk space, and email accounts are too good to pass up. And they will grant you a domain name at no cost, for life. If you go with one of the sites I’ve mentioned, you won’t regret it. All of your web hosting needs will be met. You may want to include video or audio from your Sunday services. If you opt to go with other web hosting providers, then you may not be able to do this. Or the fee may be so outrageous you can’t. But the three great sites I mentioned will allow you to upload these files at positively no charge whatsoever. If you want to save thousands of dollars, then you want to go with one of these web hosting providers. Your congregation will thank you long term. The service cannot be beaten. If you are paying even $20 monthly for your current web hosting, you can switch right now at ITX Design.com and save your congregation a ton over the course of this year. You go to the site and enter your current domain name and switch. it’s not a time consuming process. In less than an hour, you’ve now shaved $180 annually from your church budget. What could your congregation do with those funds? Web Hosting for Your Church Congregation In today’s online world, every church needs a quality website. You will attract more new members if you have an online presence. Get your church online. It’s well worth the small price you will pay with ITX Design or HostMonster. You’ll be glad you did. |
Church Web Hosting
2010-12-28 22:28:13