Migrating From Windows to One of the Linux Distributions
When you decide it is a good move to go from Windows to one of the Linux distributions, you need to be aware of which ones are best. There are a few types you get to choose from, but when we say a few, it really means hundreds. That is a small number in the hosting world and since Linux is an open source system, it is an addiction for many programmers.
It would be impossible to compare all of the Linux distributions, but we will do our best to give you the most popular Linux distributions. Instead of going after all of them, we will focus on the best choices and give you the ones that can provide you with the best possible service.
There are three major nodes that the Linux tree contains and the rest of the Linux distributions are just branches off this tree. It is necessary to understand the three major choices out there or you may end up with one of the Linux distributions that just are not as powerful or as useful as some of the others.
The 3 Major Nodes of the Linux Distributions
1. Debain
Debain is heavily UNIX based and uses the philosophies of the open source system along with testing and design to give you a powerful foundation. It is one of the most secure systems out there and one of the most stable of the Linux distributions. Debain is the basis of more Linux variants than any of the other three major nodes and it actually has Ubuntu as a sub-branch, which has more variants that either of the other major nodes.
2. Slackware
Another UNIX based system is called Slackware. This is the most UNIX-like of all the major Linux distributions and it attempts to mirror the simplicity provided with UNIX. This does not refer to how easy it is to use, but instead how the design is very simple. If you are new to Linux, you may want to start with a more user-friendly system made for beginners.
3. Red Hat
Red Hat is the one node that represents the business of the Linux family. Most of the Linux distributions are non-profit and are open source systems, but Red Hat is not the same as the others. They operate on a professional open source model, which means the code is free, but they sell paid services like training and support. It must be working, since Red Hat is inching its way closer to a $1 billion dollar company.
Choosing the Right One of the Linux Distributions for You
With hundreds of Linux variants branching off of the three main Linux distributions, it can be hard to know which one is right for you. This is certainly the time to use a hosting forum or another form of feedback to find out what the community thinks about the different Linux choices.
There are some that are perfect for beginners and others that are not. Taking the time to get the right one of the Linux distributions for you will make the rest of your project much easier.
Tags: best Linux distributions, Linux distribution, Linux distribution nodes, Linux distributions, Linux variants, main Linux distributions, top Linux distributions